Knight Phantom
Knight Phantom
The Knight Phantoms reside in a brick-layered room in the Goblin Knight Stronghold. They appear as ghostly pieces of Phantom armor, and appear to have a spooky, ghost-like look when attacking.
These cursed knights retain 2 attacks.
Their first attack is charging, which is the usual ramming into the player. Like their weapon throw attack, the empty space within them is filled with a scary apparition before they charge.
Their second attack is throwing weapons. While the phantoms with swords cannot throw anything, the phantoms with axes and pickaxes could throw them in a certain direction. As well as this the phantoms with pickaxes could throw them all around their radius. Like the charge attack, they will also turn to a scary look before throwing a weapon.
Once you kill all 6 of the Knight Phantoms, a treasure chest will appear in the middle of the battle area. The chest will contain most of the Knight Phantoms' gear, such as Knightly weapons and Phantom armor.