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Giants live on solid cloudbanks above the Highlands biome. They take on the appearance of the player's skin, and therefore look different to every player, though reasons remain unknown. Although due to their size they appear to move slowly, they actually move fairly fast compared to most creatures. Giants are aggressive towards players they spot, although relative to their size, their sensory range is fairly small. They are difficult to fight with melee weapons, and are better engaged with ranged attacks.

Giant Miner[edit]

Giant Miner
Miner Giant.png
Type Hostile
Health Points 80 (HeartFull.png x 40)
Attack Strength Armed: 11 (HeartFull.png x 5.5)
Unarmed: 2 (HeartFull.png)
Armor 0
Drops Giant's Pickaxe
ID twilightforest:giant_miner

The Giant Miner is one of the two Giants that spawn. This Giant wields a Giant's Pickaxe and wears no armor. Adventurers target this Giant so they can use its pickaxe to break the Obsidian Vault in the Troll Caves.

Armored Giant[edit]

Armored Giant
Armor Giant.png
Type Hostile
Health Points 80 (HeartFull.png x 40)
Attack Strength Armed: 13 (HeartFull.png x 6.5)
Unarmed: 2 (HeartFull.png)
Armor 0
Drops Giant's Sword
ID twilightforest:armored_giant

The Armored Giant is one of the two Giants that spawn. This Giant wields a Giant's Sword and wears Iron Armor. Adventurers are warned that this Giant is stronger than its counterpart.


Giants, unlike bosses, have no health bars or dedicated trophies. Along with this, Giants spawn naturally for as long as the Cloud Cottage is intact. Because of this, Adventurers must be cautious when taking on Giants so they do not get trapped.

Giant Miners are weaker than their counterpart, both in attack and defense. Because of this, these types of Giants can be left to the last in order to make the battle easier. Alternatively, adventurers could slay only one of these and escape with their Pickaxe, assuming they don't get caught by other Giants.

Armored Giants are much tougher than their counterpart, wearing Iron Armor and wielding a Giant's Sword. Caution must be exercised against these Giants as they are harder to take down and can easily kill an unsuspecting adventurer. Bows will be very effective in this case.



Version Details
2.3.0 Added Giant Miner and Armored Giant.
3.3.0 Giant Miners and Armored Giants can now display the Alex player model.

Twilight Forest Creatures
Passive Bighorn Sheep Dwarf Rabbit Forest Raven Loyal Zombie Penguin Squirrel Tiny Bird Wild Boar Wild Deer Questing Ram
Hostile Adherent Block and Chain Goblin Carminite Broodling Carminite Ghastguard Carminite Ghastling Carminite Golem Cave Troll Death Tome Fire Beetle Giant Goblin Knight Harbinger Cube Hedge Spider Helmet Crab Hostile Wolf King Spider Kobold Lich Minion Maze Slime Minotaur Mist Wolf Mosquito Swarm Pinch Beetle Redcap Goblin Redcap Sapper Roving Cube Skeleton Druid Slime Beetle Snow Guardian Stable Ice Core Swarm Spider Towerwood Borer Twilight Wraith Unstable Ice Core Winter Wolf Yeti
Progression Bosses Naga Twilight Lich Minoshroom Hydra Knight Phantom Ur-Ghast Alpha Yeti Snow Queen