Knight Phantom

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Knight Phantom
Knight Phantom.png
Type Boss
Health Points 35 (HeartFull.png x 17.5)
Attack Strength 1 (HeartHalf.png) (excludes weapon damage)
Armor 0
Drops Knightmetal Sword
Knightmetal Pickaxe
Knightmetal Axe
Knightmetal Shield
Phantom Helmet
Phantom Chestplate
Knight Phantom Trophy
ID twilightforest:knight_phantom

The Knight Phantoms reside in a brick-layered room in the Goblin Knight Stronghold. They appear as ghostly pieces of Phantom Armor, and appear to have a spooky, ghost-like look when attacking.


These cursed knights retain 2 attacks. When their visible ghost selves are hidden, merely being hit by these apparitions can deal damage. It isn't as damaging as their attacks when they use their weapons, but it can become a nuisance. Their second attack is throwing weapons. One of the Knight Phantoms will show their ghostly self and float on the spot, while the other ghostly brethren hover around in a circular fashion. This attack comes in three different appearances, based on the tool in hand:

  • If they are wielding a Knightmetal Sword, they will charge towards the adventurer slowly but accurately, and can deal massive damage.
  • If they are wielding a Knightmetal Axe, they will throw their weapon in a straight line at the adventurer, which deals significant damage, and can quickly wilt health away.
  • If they are wielding a Knightmetal Pickaxe, they will throw their weapon in a line, but in 5 different directions and not aiming at the adventurer, which deals some damage, but is easily avoided.

A ranged weapon can be useful here, but one must be on their feet if they want to survive, though some Knight Phantoms can spawn with a Knightmetal Shield. These Knight Phantoms float in either a circle or a wave, and standing in their way can deal quite the amount of damage.


Once you kill all 6 of the Knight Phantoms, a treasure chest will drop the Knight Phantoms' gear, such as Knightmetal Weapons, Phantom Armor and the Knight Phantom Trophy.

Sometimes, the Knight Phantoms will drop their own equipment. These are damaged, and not as well-enchanted as the equipment in the loot chest.

If the mod Immersive Engineering is installed, the loot chest will also contain a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Knight Phantom.


Using the Progression system, the area beneath the trees in the Dark Forest will be filled with smoky ribbons of dark magic. You will be affected with blindness if you stay in the area. Defeating the Twilight Lich will allow you to enter unimpeded. You will also need any boss trophy to unlock the lower levels of the Goblin Knight Stronghold. Upon death, the advancement Carminite Acclimation will be given.

Defeating the Knight Phantoms will progress the Dark Forest Phase, thus removing the protections over the Dark Forest Center, now allowing access to the Ur-Ghast and its Dark Tower.



Version Details
1.18.2 Added Knight Phantom.
1.20.2 Changed the model of Knight Phantom.

Got synchronized formation code working.

Attacks are different with different weapons.

Added particle and special effects.

Once all Knight Phantoms in the vicinity are defeated, a loot chest will spawn.

2.0.0 Knight Phantoms will no longer target players in Creative Mode.
2.0.3 Fixed a crash when rendering thrown weapons.
2.3.5 Revised the loot chest spawning logic, making it more certain to generate.

Fixed a crash when a Knight Phantom loses their weapon.

3.1.128 The loot chest will now have a Knight Phantom Trophy.
3.7.424 If Immersive Engineering is installed, each Knight Phantom will drop an Epic Shader Grabbag.
3.8.654 The Goblin Knight Strongholds will only be marked once all Knight Phantoms are slain.

Fixed each Knight Phantom dropping an Epic Shader Grabbag (Immersive Engineering).

If Immersive Engineering is installed, the loot chest will contain a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Knight Phantom.

Twilight Forest Creatures
Passive Bighorn Sheep Dwarf Rabbit Forest Raven Loyal Zombie Penguin Squirrel Tiny Bird Wild Boar Wild Deer Questing Ram
Hostile Adherent Block and Chain Goblin Carminite Broodling Carminite Ghastguard Carminite Ghastling Carminite Golem Cave Troll Death Tome Fire Beetle Giant Goblin Knight Harbinger Cube Hedge Spider Helmet Crab Hostile Wolf King Spider Kobold Lich Minion Maze Slime Minotaur Mist Wolf Mosquito Swarm Pinch Beetle Redcap Goblin Redcap Sapper Roving Cube Skeleton Druid Slime Beetle Snow Guardian Stable Ice Core Swarm Spider Towerwood Borer Twilight Wraith Unstable Ice Core Winter Wolf Yeti
Progression Bosses Naga Twilight Lich Minoshroom Hydra Knight Phantom Ur-Ghast Alpha Yeti Snow Queen