
From The Twilight Forest Wiki
Revision as of 02:33, 10 August 2024 by Paradise (talk | contribs)
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Hi, I'm Paradise, and I do coding, texturing, modeling, and other work for myself and various people. As for here, I work on most of the modern updates on this Wiki, which include:

Scepter of Life Draining.png ~ Infobox Renders
Scepter of Fortification.png ~ Updating old pages
Zombie Scepter.png ~ Creating new pages
Scepter of Twilight.png ~ Reworking layouts & templates

Any questions regarding this Wiki or the Twilight Forest mod should never go to me, so please do not ask me for anything - While I can help you, it is much better if you ask somebody on TeamTwilight instead. Instead, try here, here, or here!




CSS Testing
Wiki BG Testing
"Page Not Found"
Page Organizations!