Alpha Yeti

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Alpha Yeti
Alpha Yeti.png
Type Boss
Health Points 200 (HeartFull.png x 100)
Attack Strength Freezing Field: 1 (HeartHalf.png) per half-second
Jumping Attack: 5 (HeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartHalf.png) + fall damage
Armor 0
Drops Alpha Yeti Fur (6)
Ice Bomb (6)
ID twilightforest:yeti_alpha

The fearsome Alpha Yeti is much larger than the rest of the Yetis in its pack. It has six large blue horns and is constantly aggressive towards players.


When attacked, an Alpha Yeti typically varies between two different forms of attack.

As its first form of offence, the Alpha Yeti throws giant ice blocks towards the player. When they land, the ice blocks form a freezing field around the impact zone for a few seconds. Standing near or moving into the freezing field will slow and damage the player. While throwing ice blocks, the Alpha Yeti deflects all ranged attacks. Sometimes, standing too close to the Alpha Yeti will cause the player to be caught and thrown, similar to how a Yeti would attack. This attack doesn't deal direct damage, but fall damage is very likely.

If an intrepid adventurer manages to land a close-range attack on the Alpha Yeti while it is throwing ice blocks, it will switch to a second, dangerous form of attack. In its second attack mode, the Alpha Yeti jumps up and down whirapidly. It will hit and knock back anything close to it while executing this maneuver. More dangerously, the jumping causes large ice blocks to dislodge from the ceiling nearby. A shower of snowflakes will warn careful players where an ice block is about to land.

The jumping lasts for about 20 seconds, after which the Alpha Yeti is briefly tired. After a short break, it will resume throwing ice blocks.


Adventurers who persevere and defeat the Alpha Yeti will be rewarded with some Alpha Yeti Fur and Ice Bombs, as well as the Alpha Yeti Trophy.

If the mod Immersive Engineering is installed, the Alpha Yeti will also drop a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Alpha Yeti.


While using the Progression system, the Snowy Forest will be under the effects of a perpetual blizzard. The Yeti Cave and monsters inside will be magically protected while the blizzard is in effect. The blizzard lets up after the player defeats the Twilight Lich.

Defeating the Alpha Yeti will progress the Snowy Forest Phase, thus removing the protections over the Glacier, now allowing access to the Snow Queen and its Aurora Palace.



Version Details
2.2.0 Added Alpha Yeti.
3.3.202 Fixed Alpha Yeti shadow only being a small dot.
3.4.239 Fixed an elusive crash with the Alpha Yeti.
3.7.424 If the mod Immersive Engineering is installed, the Alpha Yeti will also drop an Epic Shader Grabbag.
3.8.654 If the mod Immersive Engineering is installed, the Alpha Yeti will now drop a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Alpha Yeti.

Twilight Forest Creatures
Passive Bighorn Sheep Dwarf Rabbit Forest Raven Loyal Zombie Penguin Squirrel Tiny Bird Wild Boar Wild Deer Questing Ram
Hostile Adherent Block and Chain Goblin Carminite Broodling Carminite Ghastguard Carminite Ghastling Carminite Golem Cave Troll Death Tome Fire Beetle Giant Goblin Knight Harbinger Cube Hedge Spider Helmet Crab Hostile Wolf King Spider Kobold Lich Minion Maze Slime Minotaur Mist Wolf Mosquito Swarm Pinch Beetle Redcap Goblin Redcap Sapper Roving Cube Skeleton Druid Slime Beetle Snow Guardian Stable Ice Core Swarm Spider Towerwood Borer Twilight Wraith Unstable Ice Core Winter Wolf Yeti
Progression Bosses Naga Twilight Lich Minoshroom Hydra Knight Phantom Ur-Ghast Alpha Yeti Snow Queen