Cave Troll

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Cave Troll
Type Hostile
Health Points 30(HeartFull.png x 15)
Attack Strength 7 (HeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartHalf.png)
Armor 0
Drops Magic Beans (rarely)
ID twilightforest:troll

Cave Trolls inhabit the caves under the Highlands, known as the Troll Caves. These creatures will attack with surprising speed in the same way an Iron Golem or Carminite Golem does. The Cave Trolls resemble Villagers, only larger and covered in warts. The Troll Caves are full of them, as well as some Vanilla mobs, so bring a weapon, preferably something with range.

Cave Trolls will rarely drop Magic Beans when killed if you are lucky. Also, when a Cave Troll is slain, nearby Trollber will ripen and light up the caves.



Version Details
2.3.0 Added Cave Trolls.
4.4.2276 Changed trolls to move a little slower. They were trolling too hard.

Twilight Forest Creatures
Passive Bighorn Sheep Dwarf Rabbit Forest Raven Loyal Zombie Penguin Squirrel Tiny Bird Wild Boar Wild Deer Questing Ram
Hostile Adherent Block and Chain Goblin Carminite Broodling Carminite Ghastguard Carminite Ghastling Carminite Golem Cave Troll Death Tome Fire Beetle Giant Goblin Knight Harbinger Cube Hedge Spider Helmet Crab Hostile Wolf King Spider Kobold Lich Minion Maze Slime Minotaur Mist Wolf Mosquito Swarm Pinch Beetle Redcap Goblin Redcap Sapper Roving Cube Skeleton Druid Slime Beetle Snow Guardian Stable Ice Core Swarm Spider Towerwood Borer Twilight Wraith Unstable Ice Core Winter Wolf Yeti
Progression Bosses Naga Twilight Lich Minoshroom Hydra Knight Phantom Ur-Ghast Alpha Yeti Snow Queen