Change Log/April Fools 2022

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On April 1st, 2022, a modified build of Twilight Forest was published to the official Discord server. This particular build is referred to as Version 5.0, but this is the unofficial version as an official 5.0 version would be released in the future. Alternatively, this update is also referred to as The Community Update.

Many features of this update are reflections of community requests, but most especially requests for a final boss and what the final boss should be. Others are exclusive to the change log, either because these are features added and then retracted, or the feature would not be noticed in gameplay. Other such change log exclusive jokes are just noted but nothing happens.

Change Log[edit]


  • The Final Boss is here! Find it in your nearest White Castle.
  • Finishes the mod-wide structure rework. All dungeons had a team of certified construction goblins dispatched to overhaul them for you.
  • Added KoboldKoin Ore to the game.
    • This new block can not be spawned via commands or Creative Mode.
    • It reverts into Stone after the day ends (synced to a clock on our end via telemetry).
  • Added telemetry.


  • Bosses should now be a lot stronger due to popular demand.
  • The Mushroom Castle (towers? building? vacation home?) is back. It is exactly as you would remember it from previous versions.
  • The progression system now has branching lore and story paths.
  • Changed all Giants to render as one specific thing instead of the player skin due to feedback on players not liking the feature.
  • Magic Beans are now edible.
  • Flight is now disabled in the dimension.
  • The Tri-Bow now shoots one arrow to balance the damage with the other bows.
  • Changed the progression system to be more linear again.


  • Twilight Forest is now compatible with Optifine.
    • Fixed an Optifine issue that would unrender our bosses.
    • Optifine now requires kernel access in order to work properly with Twilight Forest.
  • Fixed a bug where Tiny Birds would randomly explode.
  • Fixed Glass Swords breaking in one hit.
  • The Charm of Keeping now properly keeps your items.
  • Druid Huts now properly burn themselves and the surrounding forest down again.
  • Tweaked the Seeker Bow's entity seeking algorithm.
  • Fixed villages accidentally generating.
    • Existing villages due to this error have been retroactively set on fire.
  • Fixed Villagers not combusting upon entering the Twilight Forest.

Changes and Trivia[edit]

  • The final boss in this version of the mod is a simple recolor of the Enderdragon. This is in reference to common suggestions that the final boss of the Twilight Forest should be a dragon of some sort, and often this remark is mocked as Minecraft has a boss dragon as the end game and is seen as "unoriginal".
  • All structures in the mod were changed to look like Tetris pieces. This is in reference to April Fools 2018 when a teaser for the structure reworks were published, with each structure also resembling a Tetris piece.
  • KoboldKoin were not added into the mod, however they are a part of a separate April Fools joke involving NtFTs (Non-Twilight Forest Tokens) and buying one involved mining a KoboldKoin ore. This ties into the joke that the system must be of high specifications in order to find and mine one, to which the requirements are nigh impossible.
  • Boss health and damage were increased in this build, a reference to a common remark that the mod is "too easy" due to the use of other overpowered mods. Damage dealt to these bosses are also capped at 5 (HeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartHalf.png) damage.
  • The Mushroom Castle feature was brought back in this version. The feature was disabled due to generation issues.
  • Progression having "branching lore and story paths" is a reference to a commonly asked question of what Twilight Forest's lore is. Officially, there is no written lore and it is all implied.
  • Giants render invisible. An uncommon complaint or question asks why they copy the player's skin.
  • Magic Beans can be eaten. However they will result in instant death.
  • Elytra are removed from the player if attempting to fly. This is in remark to players wishing for a "no-fly" option, to which such a feature could not feasibly exist in a modded setting.
  • Tri-bows only shoot one arrow. This is more of a joke about nerfing features.
  • Optifine is often the source of bugs in Twilight Forest. As such, there are several changes made.
    • Multipart bosses (bosses that make use of several parts that can or can't be damaged) despawn and leave a sign behind.
    • Every so often, a message is posted into chat. These are often remarks about Optifine's reliability or spam that is claimed to be a result of Optifine.
    • Due to Optifine having issues loading in 1.17.1, a configuration option was added so that Optifine compatibility features could be experienced.
  • Villages and Villagers in the Twilight Forest is often a reference to players suggesting that Twilight Forest could benefit from a Villager or Villager-like mob and structure. This is also often turned down as the feature would be considered bloat and non-essential to the mod experience.

The Twilight Forest Mod
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