Raw Ironwood

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Raw Ironwood
Raw Ironwood.png
Type Manufactured
Durability N/A
Renewable No
Stackable Yes (64)
ID twilightforest:raw_ironwood

Raw Ironwood are items crafted from Liveroot, Gold Nugget and Raw Iron. Before one can unlock the potent energy in Liveroot, one must smelt Raw Ironwood to make Ironwood Ingots.


Gold Nugget.png
Grid Blank.png
Raw Iron.png
Grid Blank.png
Grid Blank.png
Grid Blank.png
Grid Blank.png
Grid Blank.png
Raw Ironwood
Raw Ironwood
Raw Ironwood
Raw Ironwood



Version Details
1.10.0 Added Raw Ironwood Materials.
1.12.0 Smelting Raw Ironwood Materials now gives 2 Ironwood Ingots instead of 1.
4.0.756 Changed the item ID from ironwood_raw to raw_ironwood.

Twilight Forest Items
Raw Material Alpha Yeti Fur Arctic Fur Armor Shard Borer Essence Fiery Blood Fiery Tears Liveroot Maze Map Focus Naga Scale Raven Feather Steeleaf
Manufactured Armor Shard Cluster Carminite Fiery Ingot Ironwood Ingot Knightmetal Ingot Knightmetal Loop Magic Map Focus Raw Ironwood
Food Experiment 115 Hydra Chop Maze Wafer Meef Steak Meef Stroganoff Raw Meef Raw Venison Torchberries Venison Steak
Utility Charm of Keeping Charm of Life Crumble Horn Emperor's Cloth Ice Bomb Lamp of Cinders Magic Beans Magic Map Maze Map Moon Dial Moonworm Queen Music Disc Ore Magnet Ore Map Ore Meter Peacock Feather Fan Rabbit's Pocket Watch Red Thread Signed Book Tower Key Transformation Powder
Trophies Naga Trophy Twilight Lich Trophy Minoshroom Trophy Hydra Trophy Knight Phantom Trophy Ur-Ghast Trophy Alpha Yeti Trophy Snow Queen Trophy Questing Ram Trophy
Weapons Block and Chain Ender Bow Ice Bow Scepter of Fortification Scepter of Life Draining Scepter of Twilight Seeker Bow Sword Tri-bow Zombie Scepter
Tools Axe Diamond Minotaur Axe Hoe Knightmetal Shield Mazebreaker Pickaxe Shovel
Armor Arctic Armor Fiery Armor Ironwood Armor Knightmetal Armor Naga Scale Armor Phantom Armor Steeleaf Armor Yeti Armor
NYI / WIP Banner Pattern Cube of Annihilation Four-Leaf Clover Magic Painting Potion Flask Talisman of the Cube
Removed Traveller's Logbook