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Once you have installed the mod, you may be wondering how to get into the Twilight Forest? What do you do in the Twilight Forest? Or even where do you go? This simple guide will direct you around the mod and give some insight on what you're doing.

Making the Portal

Before you even explore the Twilight Forest, you need to get there. This is the first step in exploring a magical world. To make a portal to the Twilight Forest, make a 2x2 shallow pool (4 squares) of water in a grassy area, and surround it entirely with natural stuff (flowers, mushrooms, saplings, leaves, grass, anything considered a "plant" or "leaves"). As of Version 3.5.263, the portal can be any shape and size, as long as there is at least 4 blocks but no more than 64 blocks of water. Then throw a diamond in and stand back!

  • This is what your Twilight Forest Portal should look like
  • It is also possible to use Podzol, Coarse Dirt or Mycelium for the portal, as long as it is under the dirt tag and has plants ontop of it.

    Not Working?

    If you think you have successfully created the portal, but no lightning strikes, then chances are something might not be working properly. Here's some tips to help diagnose the problem.

    1. Is the portal too deep? The Twilight Forest portal requires that the depth for water be only 1 block. Any deeper and it will not form.
    2. Is the Water completely still? Just because the portal requires Water, doesn't mean that it will accept flowing Water. Make sure every block of Water is a Water source.
    3. Are the flowers covering the whole frame? A common mistake is not surrounding the portal properly with plants or flowers. Check that all corners of the frame have a flower, especially on corners. Note that as of 3.5.263, it is not necessary to have plants on the corners.
    4. Is the plant or flower a viable block? The portal isn't exactly picky with what you can use, such as flowers, vines, leaves, tall grass, etc. However if a certain block is not specified as being a Plant or Leaves block, even if it says so in the name, it will not count as a part of the portal. If you're unsure if a plant will work, just stick to flowers in Vanilla.
    5. Are there Dirt or Grass blocks? The portal can use anything that counts as a Dirt or Grass block. Make sure that the frame completely surrounds the water, even the corners, and that the bottom of the portal is also Dirt or Grass. Note that as of 3.5.263, it isn't necessary to have Dirt or Grass blocks in the corners of the frame.
    6. Are you using the correct activation item? Generally, the portal requires that you use a Diamond to activate the portal. However, some modpacks may alter this behavior and change it to another item. Check the Configuration file to see what the portal requires.
    7. Is it Water? At this point in time, the portal requires that you use Water where the portal will be. It cannot be another kind of water from another mod.
    8. Are you lagging? If you are lagging, then it might take some time before the portal is formed. Be patient, but if it has continued for more than 20 seconds, then the portal isn't going to form.
    9. Is Twilight Forest loaded? Sometimes, the problem is not caused by player error or the mod itself, but the mod not being present at all. Check your mods folder to see if it is installed, and if so, check that the jar file is not corrupted. Note that installing Twilight Forest from sites outside of Curseforge, the official Minecraft Forum thread, or the GitHub repository may cause the mod to not load at all, or report of a tampered jar file. Another note is to check if the server is a Forge Server. If not, no mods will load.

    If all of the above have been checked, but still no portal forms, you might have either come across a bug, or another mod might be conflicting with the creation process.

    What to Beware of

    Although a lot of the Twilight Forest is rather tranquil, some places are definitely unsafe. The portals do not have any particular safeguards. It is rare, but you could arrive in the courtyard of a rampaging Naga, in a Hollow Hill, on top of a tall tree, or even in a biome you're not supposed to be in yet. Be prepared to defend your portal, or to flee if necessary.

    Though this is a rare case, but sometimes you might enter the Twilight Forest and there is no portal near you. Make sure you check your surroundings in case your portal generated elsewhere.

    How to Get Back to the Overworld

    You can make portals back to the Overworld in the same way as you initially made the portal to get to the Twilight Forest. Diamonds appear in the Twilight Forest at the same rate, and at the same depths as in the Overworld.


    Your respawn point in the Twilight Forest will be at the same coordinates as your respawn point in the Overworld. That doesn't mean that it will be near your portal, or anywhere recognizable. For that reason, it may be advisable to either make your portal near your respawn point, or to place and use a bed near your portal soon after you arrive.

    Progression and Adventure

    Some tech mods or ore mods have a tree or ladder structure, where you have to build items from one stage in order to reach the next stage. In the Twilight Forest, you can roughly measure your progress by combat difficulty. Since most of the forest is peaceful, the difficulty is centered around the various landmarks. This guide attempts to rank the landmarks by difficulty, and to break them into tiers, so the organized adventurer can be prepared for what awaits. The first thing you want to do is craft yourself a Magic Map.

    For the Starters

    Caves may help, making sure to not explore too deep and potentially lose everything.

    Starting Progression

    Once you are ready, you may start the Progression system set in place. To start, you must find a Naga Courtyard, which are easily identified by long, tall stone walls and pillars. It's recommended to have iron armor or higher, because the Naga is formidable and fast. Once slain, you'll get some Naga Scales to make some durable armor.

    Afterwards a Lich Tower will be next. Lich Towers are filled with hidden treasure, but they are swarming with Skeletons, Zombies, Spiders, Death Tomes and maybe some Witches and Endermen. Atop the Tower is the dangerous Twilight Lich, who can cast powerful spells as it's disposal. They're cunning in combat, protected by magical shields and with a hoard of Zombies at the ready once all the shields are down.

    Medium Hollow Hills have a little bit more strong enemies, but more rewarding treasure, including Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, and Gold. These are more spacious than the smaller counterparts, which will make it harder to fend off enemies. Exploring deeper caves may be necessary to collect some resources and prepare yourself for the next phases of Progression.

    Across the Land

    With the Lich slain, a significant portion of the dimension shall open for exploration. It's recommended to have some tough armor, which may be easy to harvest as there is a variety of materials to harvest across the land, whatever you desire, but you must be prepared.

    The Labyrinths have extremely rewarding items, even some Blaze Rods for later purposes, or for brewing potions. Though, precaution is required, as the long, winding corridors are teeming with all sorts of monsters, from annoyances to deadly. Waiting in the fenced off chamber awaits the terrifying Minoshroom, who will slaughter you if unprepared.

    In the center of the Fire Swamp, after navigating through pools of lava and Fire Jets, the Hydra Lair stands, with the Hydra posing a significant threat. They are large, they are dangerous, but the rewards are worth the effort, including the ores that were once guarded by the Hydra.

    Deep within the Dark Forest are remnants of the Twilight Knights at the Goblin Knight Stronghold. These twisted, long corridors contain many goblins and other monsters that have claimed the Knightmetal equipment for themselves and are just as prepared as you are. Amongst these corridors are the final resting place of the Twilight Knights, but they are now the restless and dangerous Knight Phantoms.

    Once the Knight Phantoms have been quelled, the eldritch technology around the Dark Towers begin to function. Inside are filled with hordes of frightening monsters, and the most unusual of all treasure. The tower is tall, almost as tall as the world height limit, and is dangerous to traverse without proper preparation. Amongst the top of the broken tower looms the scary Ur-Ghast.

    The Yeti Caves deep within the Snowy Forest contain the imposing Alpha Yeti, the biggest of all the Yetis, which will prove valuable with the crafting of Yeti Armor.

    Up above on a Glacier, a reflective palace stands, glowing like an aurora. Inside, the Snow Queen awaits, casting dangerous ice spells, but has some valuable treasure and weapons for the upcoming challenge.

    For those up for a bit of a challenge, Large Hollow Hills have some of the greatest treasures, but also have the most threatening monsters. Because of the large size, there is plenty of space, opening up for some horde attacks. Not even hiding behind walls could save you from the Wraiths that lurk the interior and sometimes exterior.

    The Final Stretch

    The Highlands is a test of will for the adventurer, where they must go beneath the ground to find some Magic Beans and an Obsidian Vault. In order to open this vault, the adventurer must go up into the clouds to find a Giant's Pickaxe, held by the almighty Giants. Once the vault is open, the Lamp of Cinders can be claimed, and the final stretch awaits.

    The Thornlands stand in the way of the adventurer, but with the Lamp of Cinders, they can burn their way through the Thorns and into the Final Plateau. Here, the adventurer shall complete the last quest of the Twilight Forest in the Final Castle. For now, nothing is inside, but soon, the final challenge shall be ready.

    The Twilight Forest Mod
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