Signed Book

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Signed Books are Written Books containing hints to guide adventurers along the progression system. When a curious adventurer wanders upon a locked area, a Kobold will appear, holding a Signed Book with clues for unlocking that area. There are Signed Books for every locked area, each signed by A Forgotten Explorer. There is no Signed Book for the Naga.

Signed Book
Type Utility
Durability N/A
Renewable Yes
Stackable No
ID minecraft:written_book

Lich Tower

Attempts to damage the Lich Tower will spawn a Kobold holding a Signed Book titled Notes on a Pointy Tower.

An explorer's notebook, gnawed on by monsters

I have begun examining the strange aura surrounding this tower. The bricks of the tower are protected by a curse, stronger than any I've seen before. The magic from the curse is boiling off into the surrounding area.

In my homeland I would have many options for dealing with this magic, but here my supplies are limited. I shall have to research...

Many entries later

A breakthrough! In my journeys I sighted a huge snake-like monster in a decorated courtyard. Nearby, I picked up a worn down, discarded green scale.

The magic in the scale seems to have the curse-breaking properties I need, but the magic is too dim. I may need to acquire a fresher specimen, directly from the creature.

Dark Forest

Attempts to enter the Dark Forest will inflict the adventurer with Blindness, and will spawn a Kobold holding a Signed Book titled Notes on a Stronghold.

An explorer's notebook, written on faintly glowing paper

The tendrils of darkness surrounding this area are just a manifestation of a protective spell over the entire dark forest. The spell causes blindness, which is quite vexing. I have seen several interesting things in this area and would like to keep exploring.

Next entry

I have found ruins in the dark forest. They belong to a stronghold, of a type usually inhabited by knights. Rather than knights, though, this stronghold is full of goblins. They wear knightly armor, but their behavior is most un-knightly.

Next entry

Deep in the ruins, I have found a pedestal. The pedestal seems to be of a type that knights would place their trophies on to prove their strength.

Obtaining a powerful scepter would seem to weaken the curse on the dark forest, and placing a trophy associated with a powerful creature on the pedestal would likely grant access into the main part of the stronghold.

Snowy Forest

Attempts to enter the Snowy Forest will inflict the adventurer with Hypothermia, and will spawn a Kobold holding a Signed Book titled Notes on an Icy Cave.

An explorer's notebook, covered in frost

The blizzard surrounding these snowy lands is unceasing. This is no ordinary snowfall--this is a magical phenomenon. I will have to conduct experiments to find what is capable of causing such an effect.

Next entry

The curse seems to be of a type too powerful for one being alone to produce. Several wizards working in combination would be necessary.

If one of the wizards stopped contributing, the blizzard would calm. Strangely, my divinations do not show signs of any nearby living wizards. I did see something interesting in one of the nearby pointy-roofed towers though...

Twilight Swamp

Attempts to enter the Twilight Swamp will inflict the adventurer with Hunger, and will spawn a Kobold holding a Signed Book titled Notes on a Swampy Labyrinth.

An explorer's notebook, written on waterproof paper

The mosquitoes in this swamp are vexing, but strange. The vast majority of them seem to have no natural source, nor do they seem to have a role in the local ecology. I have begun to suspect they are some kind of magical curse.

Next entry

Now that I have encountered a protection spell on the ruined labyrinth here, I consider my suspicions confirmed. Both the protection spell and mosquitoes are a curse. This curse seems to have a different source from the others I have encountered. I will have to research further...

Next entry

The curse seems to be of a type too powerful for one being alone to produce. Several wizards working in combination would be necessary.

If one of the wizards stopped contributing, the whole of the curse over the entire swamp would fall. Strangely, my divinations do not show signs of any nearby living wizards. I did see something interesting in one of the nearby pointy-roofed towers though...

Twilight Highlands

Attempts to enter the Twilight Highlands will burn the adventurer with acid rain, and will spawn a Kobold holding a Signed Book titled Notes on the Highlands.

An explorer's notebook, damaged by acid

There seems to be no way to protect myself from the toxic rainstorm surrounding this area. In my brief excursions, I have also encountered another protection spell, similar to the others I have witnessed. The spell must be connected to the toxic storm in some way. Further research to follow...

Next entry

Such supreme weather magic must be the result of multiple undefeated great evils in this world. My studies contain several clues pointing at a searing swamp, a forest coated in deep darkness, and a realm coated in snow.





Version Details
2.3.4 Added hint monster that spawns with a book when the player is encountering progression enforcement mechanisms

Limit spawns to once a minute

3.1.128 Fixed Hint Books with text generation
4.0.860 Added a toast system to remind people that a biome is locked. This will hint to check your advancements. This toast will show up once after entering a locked biome then wont until you enter a new locked biome.

Twilight Forest Items
Raw Material Alpha Yeti Fur Arctic Fur Armor Shard Borer Essence Fiery Blood Fiery Tears Liveroot Maze Map Focus Naga Scale Raven Feather Steeleaf
Manufactured Armor Shard Cluster Carminite Fiery Ingot Ironwood Ingot Knightmetal Ingot Knightmetal Loop Magic Map Focus Raw Ironwood
Food Experiment 115 Hydra Chop Maze Wafer Meef Steak Meef Stroganoff Raw Meef Raw Venison Torchberries Venison Steak
Utility Charm of Keeping Charm of Life Crumble Horn Emperor's Cloth Ice Bomb Lamp of Cinders Magic Beans Magic Map Maze Map Moon Dial Moonworm Queen Music Disc Ore Magnet Ore Map Ore Meter Peacock Feather Fan Rabbit's Pocket Watch Red Thread Signed Book Tower Key Transformation Powder
Trophies Naga Trophy Twilight Lich Trophy Minoshroom Trophy Hydra Trophy Knight Phantom Trophy Ur-Ghast Trophy Alpha Yeti Trophy Snow Queen Trophy Questing Ram Trophy
Weapons Block and Chain Ender Bow Ice Bow Scepter of Fortification Scepter of Life Draining Scepter of Twilight Seeker Bow Sword Tri-bow Zombie Scepter
Tools Axe Diamond Minotaur Axe Hoe Knightmetal Shield Mazebreaker Pickaxe Shovel
Armor Arctic Armor Fiery Armor Ironwood Armor Knightmetal Armor Naga Scale Armor Phantom Armor Steeleaf Armor Yeti Armor
NYI / WIP Banner Pattern Cube of Annihilation Four-Leaf Clover Magic Painting Potion Flask Talisman of the Cube
Removed Traveller's Logbook