Twilight Lich

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Twilight Lich
Twilight Lich.png
Type Boss
Health Points 100 (HeartFull.png x 50)
Attack Strength (Ender pearl) 6 (HeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartFull.png)
(Fireball) 1-10 (HeartFull.png-HeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartFull.png)
Armor 0
Drops Zombie Scepter
Scepter of Life Draining
Scepter of Twilight
Scepter of Fortification
(Only drops one scepter)

Golden Sword (Enchanted)
Golden Armor (Random, Enchanted)
Ender Pearl (1-4)
Bone (5-9)
Lich Trophy

ID twilightforest:lich

The Twilight Lich, also referred to as just the Lich, resides on the top of a Lich Tower. It appears as a tall humanoid skeleton wearing a purple cape, and a large golden crown. Surrounding itself is a wall of shields to protect itself from any damage, but maybe they can be broken.


This former wizard retains a wide variety of attacks and tricks, which it deploys throughout three basic phases.

Phase 1[edit]

In its first phase, the Twilight Lich summons shadowy, invincible duplicates. The Lich itself is protected by a rotating ring of shields. Both the Twilight Lich and the duplicates fire blue-green projectiles that look like Ender Pearls. Quick-thinking adventurers report that the projectiles can be deflected with a properly-timed swing, similar to deflecting a Ghast's fireballs. During the first phase, the Twilight Lich can be seen holding a Twilight Scepter. Every time the player reflects the Lich's projectiles back at it, it will remove one of its shields. It is highly advised to avoid deflecting projectiles if they are fireballs, as they will explode on touch, doing a serious amount of damage.

Adventurers who have had the luck of defeating the Lich previously have also found that wielding it's Twilight Scepter is a very large advantage, as this scepter can be used against the Lich without the need to wait for the Lich to fire it's projectiles, potentially skipping the entirety of the first phase if done correctly.

Phase 2[edit]

Its second phase begins when the Twilight Lich's shields are depleted, allowing the player to deal direct damage to the Lich. During this phase, the Lich switches to using a Zombie Scepter, using it to summon an army of Loyal Zombies to attack the player. The Lich may also assist these Loyal Zombies by firing projectiles that were seen within the first phase of the fight. Ocassionally, the Lich will switch to a Scepter of Life Draining, using it to heal itself while removing the nearby undead mobs, including it's summoned friends.

Lucky adventurers have slain the Lich before the 3 phases of spawning Loyal Zombies are over, though inexperienced adventurers may not be so lucky and can fail to slay the Twilight Lich during this phase.

Phase 3[edit]

In its third phase, when the Lich runs out of zombies to summon, it will attack the player hand-to-hand with a Golden Sword and emit rage particles. The Lich will run after the player, attempting to chase them as long as possible. He is fast and agile, attempting to zig-zag out from player's attacks. Despite this, it seems that it is possible to run away from him, though it is warned that the Lich will teleport with unfortunate timing.

Adventurers are warned that the Twilight Lich may look old and just a pile of bones, but he is agile, and a single mistake could spell disaster.


The Twlight Lich drops a number of items when defeated. First, there is a strange array of Golden Armor and a Golden Sword, all strongly enchanted with seemingly random enchants. Be warned, however, that they may be cursed. Second, the Lich drops exactly one scepter, either the Twilight Scepter, the Scepter of Life Draining, the Zombie Scepter, or the Scepter of Fortification. There is, on extremely rare occasions, a chance that the Lich may drop two of the scepters. Finally, the Lich drops around 1-4 Ender Pearls, several Bones, and the Twilight Lich Trophy. Upon death, the Advancement Bring Out Your Dead will be given.

If the mod Immersive Engineering is installed, the Twilight Lich will also drop a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Lich.


When using the Progression system, the Lich Tower will be surrounded by a glowing green field. Blocks and monsters inside the tower proper will be protected from being broken or damaged. Killing the Naga and picking up one of its Naga Scales will dispel the protection.

Defeating the Twilight Lich will fully complete the Beginning Phase of Progression. Protections over the Twilight Swamp, Dark Forest, and Snowy Forest will be partially removed, allowing access to the Labyrinth, Goblin Knight Stronghold and Yeti Cave respectively.



Version Details
1.7 Added Twilight Lich.
1.7.2 Made the Twilight Lich playable at the very least.
1.8.1 Fixed Twilight Lich despawning.

Tweaked the model to prevent any jittering weirdness on servers.

1.11.5 Added a boss health bar for the Twilight Lich.
1.13.1 The Twilight Lich now randomly shoots Fireballs.

The Twilight Lich is now protected by shields. These can only broken with magic, and the Twilight Lich is protected with 5 of these.

1.15.2 Fixed a crash that could occur when dealt damage by a null entity.
2.0.0 Fixed the speed of Twilight Lich.

The magic projectiles are now affected by gravity, so they don't continue forever.

3.2.155 Fixed a server crash with the Fireballs.
3.3.202 The Twilight Lich couldn't swim before. Now it can.
3.4.239 The boss health bar is segmented and changes depending on the phase. Each shield has it's own segment, and in phase 3 it turns red.
3.7.424 The Lich now unlocks the Swamp, Dark Forest and Snowy Forest, as a means of delineating the Progression system.

If Immersive Engineering is installed, the Twilight Lich drops an Epic Shader Grabbag.

3.8.654 The shields around the Twilight Lich now glow in the dark, move around while spinning, and are properly 3D.

If Immersive Engineering is installed, the Twilight Lich now drops a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Lich now.

4.4.2276 Lich clones no longer have shields.

Lich clones are once again slightly transparent.

Fixed the Lich's shields persisting if he he were to die during the first phase.

Twilight Forest Creatures
Passive Bighorn Sheep Dwarf Rabbit Forest Raven Loyal Zombie Penguin Squirrel Tiny Bird Wild Boar Wild Deer Questing Ram
Hostile Adherent Block and Chain Goblin Carminite Broodling Carminite Ghastguard Carminite Ghastling Carminite Golem Cave Troll Death Tome Fire Beetle Giant Goblin Knight Harbinger Cube Hedge Spider Helmet Crab Hostile Wolf King Spider Kobold Lich Minion Maze Slime Minotaur Mist Wolf Mosquito Swarm Pinch Beetle Redcap Goblin Redcap Sapper Roving Cube Skeleton Druid Slime Beetle Snow Guardian Stable Ice Core Swarm Spider Towerwood Borer Twilight Wraith Unstable Ice Core Winter Wolf Yeti
Progression Bosses Naga Twilight Lich Minoshroom Hydra Knight Phantom Ur-Ghast Alpha Yeti Snow Queen