Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf
Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf | |
Transparency | None |
Luminance | None |
Hardness | 1.5 |
Blast Resistance | 1.5 |
Tool | Axe ![]() |
Renewable | Yes |
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Flammable | No |
ID | twilightforest:chiseled_canopy_bookshelf |
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Chiseled Canopy Bookshelves are decorative blocks that look and function similarly to regular chiseled bookshelves in terms of storage, redstone readings, and design, but include several unique functions!
Whenever broken, the Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf will drop itself, regardless if Silk Touch was used or not, which acts very differently to that of a normal Chiseled Bookshelf; however, much like the Chiseled Bookshelf, the Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf will always drop its books when it broken by traditional means. These books will NOT spawn mobs once the Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf is broken, unless it is burnt down by fire, in which it will spew out all remaining mobs that were stored out of itself, setting them all on fire.
Chiseled Canopy Bookshelves can only be made by a player by crafting them, but this is suspected to be changed sometime in the near future.
Right-Clicking a Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf with any spawn egg will turn the shelf into a spawner. The amount of inserted books indicates how many mobs can spawn, upwards to a maximum of 6. While this shelf is in the spawner state, new books can no longer be added into the shelf, nor can books be removed normally.
There is no visual difference between a Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf in a spawner state and in a storage state, allowing them to blend in very easily to unsuspecting guests. Once all books are gone, the Chiseled Canopy Bookshelf will return back to it's original empty look, and will return to a storage state until it is activated by a new spawn egg.
Redstone Signal[edit]
Much like their vanilla counterparts, Chiseled Canopy Bookshelves will give off a redstone signal based off of the last inserted or removed book into it during the storage state. During its spawner state, it will give a redstone signal based off of which book was last removed in order to spawn a new mob.
Version | Details |
dev 4.5.2415 | Implemented Chiseled Canopy Bookshelves, a mesh of the Death Tome Spawner and Empty Canopy Bookshelf! |