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*Several of the blocks that make up the towers' structure are infested with Silverfish.
*Several of the blocks that make up the towers' structure are infested with Silverfish.
*Pre-inhabiting monsters pose a threat to anyone trying to take over the tower, though with proper planning they will pose little problem.
*Pre-inhabiting monsters pose a threat to anyone trying to take over the tower, though with proper planning they will pose little problem.
=Image Reel=
{{ImageGallery|Beta Lich Tower Glacier|Rare sight of a Lich Tower on the edge of a [[Glacier]].<br>Provided by [[User:Benimatic|Benimatic]].|341px}} <!--This file is 447px tall... what the fuck-->
{{ImageGallery|Shae Lich Tower|A Preview of the Lich Tower.<br>Provided by [[User:Shedao_Shai|Shae]].|480px}}
{{ImageGallery|Shae Shader Lich Tower|A Preview of the Lich Tower using [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/sildurs-vibrant-shaders Slidur's Vibrant Shader].<br>Provided by [[User:Shedao_Shai|Shae]].|480px}}


Revision as of 10:19, 20 August 2024

Lich Tower
Lich Tower.png
Biome Twilight Forest
Dense Twilight Forest
Firefly Forest
Oak Savannah
Mushroom Forest
Spooky Forest
Consists of Stone Bricks
Smooth Stone Slabs
Birch Planks
Birch Slabs
Oak Fences
Oak Slabs
Boss Twilight Lich
Map Icon Lich Tower Icon.png
ID twilightforest:lich_tower

Standing tall over the Twilight Forest canopy, Lich Towers are the lairs of the Twilight Lich. Built stoutly with stone blocks, slabs, wooden floors and railings, these imposing fortresses are easy to spot through even the dense Forest foliage, serving as the first real challenge for adventurers intending to push further into the more dangerous areas in the dimension.


A typical Lich Tower consists of a single central spire, from which many smaller towers and chambers jut out haphazardly from the sides, sometimes connected with bridges, but often built directly against the main tower. Inside, a double staircase spirals up from bottom to top, allowing access to these antechambers. Explorers are advised caution as maintenance is not a priority of the undead Lich, with many holes in the staircases threatening to send the incautious to their doom at the bottom of the tower.

Many strange paintings adorn the walls of the tower, while the smaller rooms are furnished in a rather eclectic manner. Some rooms are vast libraries, with many bookcases of ancient tomes, while others are simple with nothing but a small pool of water or lava, or an empty flower pot. Some rooms have been found filled with Iron Bars, while stranger things such as an indoor desert or swamp vines are not unheard of. Not uncommonly, many of these secondary towers are multi-storey, with hidden treasure rooms located above the lower chambers to reward the meticulous explorer. Much treasure has been found within a Lich Tower, with books, potions, brewing supplies, and enchanted equipment sitting in chests nestled amongst the dusty bookshelves.

One must be careful of the dangers lurking within this tower, however. As mentioned above, many adventurers have fallen to their death through the mouldering platforms, while many evil undead creatures have made their home under the rule of the Twilight Lich. Zombies, Skeletons, Swarm Spiders and malevolent Death Tomes must be fought and destroyed on the climb to the top. Magical foci, informally known as Spawners, are usually situated in the centre tower, causing an endless stream of foul creatures to overwhelm anyone who invades the tower until they can be destroyed up close.

The Twilight Lich itself is the final challenge at the very top of the tower, within a vast glass bottomed chamber festooned with even more paintings and torches on the walls, along with an impressive chandelier hanging from the vaulted ceiling.


Those who first encounter a Lich Tower will find the building shrouded by a yellow-green force field. Although the tower can be approached, any attempt to break in or damage the structure will be blocked by this field. The open bridges between towers may appear to allow entry, but this is folly - the undead monsters that lurk within will also be protected by the force field, making them just as impervious to damage.

This force field can be removed by defeating a Naga within its courtyard and taking some of its enchanted scales.

In turn, defeating a Twilight Lich appears to remove magical enchantments over other areas of the Twilight Forest, specifically:

Use as a Base or Home

The Lich Tower can, provided that it has been conquered fully, be used as a fully-functional base. The libraries have more than enough bookshelves to fully activate an Enchanting Table, and the empty rooms can easily be converted into farms. The Lich Tower will need some repairs to make it completely safe for habitation, such as repairing the main staircases to prevent any falls, and removal of all magical spawners to prevent monsters from invading. The Tower will also need to be heavily lit up, as there are many nooks and crannies that can attract unwanted creatures if not sufficiently lit. The many treasure chests found throughout the tower provide ample storage space. Lastly, the tower is also high enough to provide a view for miles from the top.


  • Preconstructed Enchanting rooms.
  • Chests are already there for storage.
  • Excellent view - most Lich Towers are as high as a Giant Oak Tree.
  • Plenty of resources to be found within, particularly Potions.
  • The Lich's room can be re-made into a Mob Grinder, using the four-way water and dark area grinder method.
  • No traps, unlike the Labyrinth or Dark Tower.


  • Needs to be lit up heavily, using plenty of light-emitting resources.
  • Broken stairways will need to be repaired.
  • Very real possibility of falling to death.
  • Can be confusing to navigate (though a long-term stay will likely lessen this).
  • Several of the blocks that make up the towers' structure are infested with Silverfish.
  • Pre-inhabiting monsters pose a threat to anyone trying to take over the tower, though with proper planning they will pose little problem.



Version Details
1.4.0 Added Lich Tower.
1.7.2 Revised the interior of the Lich Tower to appear more dilapidated and dark.
1.11.0 Lich Towers now use Birch Plank Slabs instead of Oak Plank Slabs.
1.12.2 Fixed overpopulation of Paintings in the Lich Tower.
1.13.0 Added more loot to the Lich Tower chests.
1.13.1 Further major revisions of the Lich Tower, adding more spawners and rooms.

Biomes and Landmarks
Biomes Dark Forest Dark Forest Center Dense Mushroom Forest Dense Twilight Forest Enchanted Forest Final Plateau Fire Swamp Firefly Forest Glacier Mushroom Forest Oak Savannah Snowy Forest Spooky Forest Thornlands Twilight Clearing Twilight Forest Twilight Highlands Twilight Lake Twilight Stream Twilight Swamp
Progression Landmarks Naga Courtyard Lich Tower Labyrinth Hydra Lair Goblin Knight Stronghold Dark Tower Yeti Cave Aurora Palace Troll Caves Cloud Cottage Final Castle
Other Landmarks Caves Hedge Maze Hollow Hill Magic Trees Mushroom Castle Quest Grove Twilight Forest Trees