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Landmarks in the Twilight Forest fall into two categories - Major and Minor.

Major Landmarks

Major Landmarks will show up on a Magic Map, and are massive structures filled with treasure, monsters, and even some of the boss monsters. Each major landmark has it's own page that goes into detail about what the landmark may contain:

Minor Landmarks

Minor Landmarks can be found scattered throughout the Twilight Forest in most Biomes. They are generally smaller structures that add to the variety and mystery that makes up the Twilight Forest.

Stone Circle

File:Stone circle.png

A rough stone circle of Mossy Cobblestone. In ancient times, they used to worship nature, but now only the forest creatures remain.



Made with Fences, Wooden Planks and Mossy Cobblestone. On rare occasions, a cave can meet with a well, where you could go into a well through a cave. Wells can spawn in different sizes. Who knows what could be at the bottom of these mysterious wells?



Looks like the base of a house made of Cobblestone and Mossy Cobblestone. It had a Wooden Plank floor but the grass grew over it in some places. Adventurers say there may be secret treasures buried somewhere near these ruins.

Druid Hut

File:Druid hut.png

Decaying huts still moulder away in the Twilight Forest, slowly being reclaimed by nature. Be warned, Skeletal Druids still haunt these huts, and each hut contains a Skeletal Druid Spawner.



Strange-looking pillars can be found throughout the Twilight Forest, erected by long forgotten people. They are made of Obsidian, topped with a Lapis Lazuli Block. They are a welcome sight to new explorers of the Twilight Forest, as Ravens are known to haunt the surrounding area.



Occasionally, stalagmites from the Caves and Hollow Hills of the Twilight Forest break through and jut out of the ground. Sometimes these stalagmites may contain various ores.

Leaf Dungeon


In the branches of the Twilight Oak Trees, an adventurer may hear high-pitched spider noises. These noises are coming from a Leaf Dungeon. Leaf Dungeons are a home to Swarm Spiders, each dungeon containing a Swarm Spider spawner, as well as a very special treasure. The treasures within a Leaf Dungeon contain different food, different kinds of Twilight Forest Tree Saplings, and also occasionally the rare Magic Tree Saplings.

Quest Grove Ruins


An adventurer may be fooled by these ruins to think they are a Quest Grove, but they are just ruins of one. Wise adventurers would not be fooled by these tiny ruins.

Twilight Oak Stump


Twilight Oak Stumps are stumps of what was once a Twilight Oak Tree. These stumps are a good supply of wood as well as Roots inside the stump.

Hollow Log


Hollow Logs are pieces of Twilight Oak Trees. Hollow Logs can be found in many places throughout the Twilight Forest and can also be covered in Moss Patches.

Biomes and Landmarks
Biomes Dark Forest Dark Forest Center Dense Mushroom Forest Dense Twilight Forest Enchanted Forest Final Plateau Fire Swamp Firefly Forest Glacier Mushroom Forest Oak Savannah Snowy Forest Spooky Forest Thornlands Twilight Clearing Twilight Forest Twilight Highlands Twilight Lake Twilight Stream Twilight Swamp
Progression Landmarks Naga Courtyard Lich Tower Labyrinth Hydra Lair Goblin Knight Stronghold Dark Tower Yeti Cave Aurora Palace Troll Caves Cloud Cottage Final Castle
Other Landmarks Caves Hedge Maze Hollow Hill Magic Trees Mushroom Castle Quest Grove Twilight Forest Trees