Twilight Highlands

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Magic Map Color #684B35

Rising above the greater Twilight Forest is the Twilight Highlands. These mountainous regions have been observed to be very similar to the Mega Taiga biome found in the Overworld, with giant spruce trees dotting the rocky landscape. The occasional boulder litters the ground with patches of coarse dirt and podzol breaking up the normal covering of grass.

There are several distinguishing features to be found here. The extensive cave networks that thread the mountains are home to the aggressive creatures known as Trolls, along with curious stone deposits and plant life that seems to be associated with them. Accordingly, these are referred to as Trollsteinn and Trollvidr. Underground mushrooms have also been found, along with curious obsidian formations of massive size. The Trolls are not the only danger in the depths, as the darkness tends to attract large numbers of other foul creatures such as Skeletons and Witches with a greater frequency than other caves in the dimension.

High above the Highlands, huge cloud formations have been glimpsed that cast a dark shadow over the land, preventing all natural plant growth beneath them. Some have speculated that it may be possible to travel up to and walk amongst these clouds - perhaps some sort of life even lives on them?


The Twilight Highlands, along with the even higher Thornlands and Final Plateau, are awash in a toxic rainstorm when first encountered, making it extremely dangerous to set foot into the mountains. Even a mad dash into the Troll Caves will not offer any protection as the storm seems to suffuse the air itself everywhere, quite unlike a mundane rainstorm. It seems that only be slaying the dangerous Hydra, Ur-Ghast and Snow Queen will the acid rain cease, allowing exploration up onto the plateau.



Version Details
1.0.0 Added Highlands.
1.10.0 Made the Highlands less hilly and more like a plateau.
2.0.0 Highlands now surrounds the Highlands Center.

Raised the height of the Highlands.

2.3.0 Changed the look of the Highlands. It now resembles a Mega Taiga biome.

Removed water sources from the Highlands, preventing caves from flooding.

2.3.3 Renamed Highlands to Twilight Highlands.
3.7.424 Slaying the Hydra, Ur-Ghast and Snow Queen unlocks the Twilight Highlands now.

Biomes and Landmarks
Biomes Dark Forest Dark Forest Center Dense Mushroom Forest Dense Twilight Forest Enchanted Forest Final Plateau Fire Swamp Firefly Forest Glacier Mushroom Forest Oak Savannah Snowy Forest Spooky Forest Thornlands Twilight Clearing Twilight Forest Twilight Highlands Twilight Lake Twilight Stream Twilight Swamp
Progression Landmarks Naga Courtyard Lich Tower Labyrinth Hydra Lair Goblin Knight Stronghold Dark Tower Yeti Cave Aurora Palace Troll Caves Cloud Cottage Final Castle
Other Landmarks Caves Hedge Maze Hollow Hill Magic Trees Mushroom Castle Quest Grove Twilight Forest Trees