Fire Swamp

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Revision as of 06:52, 13 March 2024 by Paradise (talk | contribs)
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Fire Swamp
Fire Swamp Biome.png
Magic Map Color
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As adventurers trek through the mangrove trees of the Twilight Swamp, they may stumble into the Fire Swamp, a strange and foreboding landscape where the grass and leaves are an unnaturally rusty red colour. More worryingly, the air also becomes oppressively hot, on top of the already high humidity in the swamp, with specks of ash and cinders drifting through the air. What could possibly be responsible for such a perversion of nature? The hill that rises at the heart of the swamp certainly invites further investigation.

As befits such a hot environment, Lava Pools are more likely to be found here. Small markings can be seen here and there on the ground, emitting smoke from some unknown source. Care should be taken as some of these could erupt in a jet of flame at any moment, punishing those who would be careless. The Fire Swamp is the natural home of the Hydra in the Hydra Lair, but has no other natives to it's heated land.


Defeating the Twilight Lich dispelled the incessant clouds of mosquitos from the swamp, but here the danger seems to defy nature, with a choking fog of ash and burning cinders. Why the trees and vines do not catch fire is a question swiftly forgotten as explorers who take only a few steps into the Fire Swamp are themselves consumed in flames. The only way to proceed is to descend into the twisting mazes that lie under the Swamp, defeating the Minoshroom at the bottom and consuming some Meef Stroganoff that it carries. Doing so will magically fortify the constitution against the burning ash, allowing exploration into the Fire Swamp.

Image Reel

  • File:Para Shader Fire Swamp.png
    A look over the Fire Swamp using Slidur's Vibrant Shader.
    Provided by Para.
  • History


    Version Details
    1.11.2 Added Fire Swamp.
    1.11.5 Reduced how frequent Smoking Blocks and Fire Jets could generate.
    1.11.6 Features can no longer generate if there is a Hydra Lair.
    2.0.0 Fire Swamp is now surrounded by Twilight Swamp.
    2.1.0 Added a protection barrier around Fire Swamp. It will now burn Players on entering if locked.

    Biomes and Landmarks
    Biomes Dark Forest Dark Forest Center Dense Mushroom Forest Dense Twilight Forest Enchanted Forest Final Plateau Fire Swamp Firefly Forest Glacier Mushroom Forest Oak Savannah Snowy Forest Spooky Forest Thornlands Twilight Clearing Twilight Forest Twilight Highlands Twilight Lake Twilight Stream Twilight Swamp
    Progression Landmarks Naga Courtyard Lich Tower Labyrinth Hydra Lair Goblin Knight Stronghold Dark Tower Yeti Cave Aurora Palace Troll Caves Cloud Cottage Final Castle
    Other Landmarks Caves Hedge Maze Hollow Hill Magic Trees Mushroom Castle Quest Grove Twilight Forest Trees