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Revision as of 06:59, 8 April 2024 by Paradise (talk | contribs)
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Type Boss
Health Points 120 (HeartFull.png x 60)
Attack Strength (Melee) 5 (HeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartHalf.png)
(Charging) 7 (HeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartFull.pngHeartHalf.png + Fall Damage)
Armor 0
Drops Meef Stroganoff (2-5)
Diamond Minotaur Axe
Minoshroom Trophy
ID twilightforest:minoshroom

The Minoshroom is a mini-boss found lurking in its prison at the bottom of a Labyrinth. The Minoshroom is a bizarre hybrid of a Mooshroom and a Minotaur.


The Minoshroom can be found in its own room filled with Mycelium, Mushrooms, and four Chests in each corner containing valuable loot. This room has four entrances, one facing in each cardinal direction, each 4x4 in size and filled with Wooden Fences that prevent the Minoshroom from escaping unless let out by the player or by an explosion that destroys the fence. However, if the Minoshroom spots you outside the area, it will break down the Fences that barricade it in.

The Minoshroom is extremely tough to kill, and it protects a valuable treasure trove. Once this creature sees you, it will start rampaging similar to a Minotaur, and it will break the barricade to attack you. The Minoshroom can do a great amount of damage, so it is advised to be very careful while battling the creature.

Strong block materials are advised to avoid the Minoshroom from charging straight into you. A Bow and Arrow can also keep it at bay and avoid melee damage. However, because the Minoshroom has an Axe weapon, Shields are completely useless here, as they can be disabled.


Killing a Minoshroom will get you the highly rewarding Diamond Minotaur Axe. This axe does bonus damage when a player is sprinting. Minoshrooms will also drop 2-5 bowls of Meef Stroganoff, protecting you from scorching weather, as well as a Minoshroom Trophy. Upon eating Meef Stroganoff, the advancement Mighty Stroganoff will be given.

If the mod Immersive Engineering is installed, the Minoshroom will also drop a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Minoshroom.


When using the Progression system, the Labyrinth will be surrounded by a glowing green field. Blocks and monsters inside the Labyrinth will be protected. Additionally, the whole Swamp will be covered in a haze of mosquitoes. Killing the Twilight Lich and picking up one of the magical scepters he drops will dispel the protection.

Defeating the Minoshroom and eating Meef Stroganoff will progress the Swamp Phase, thus removing the protections over the Fire Swamp, now allowing access to the Hydra.



Version Details
1.16.1 Added Minoshroom.
3.1.128 Minoshroom now drop a Minoshroom Trophy.
3.2.155 Fixed the Minoshroom not displaying it's weapon.
3.3.202 Fixed the Mushroom on the head being fused inside it rather than on top.
3.7.424 If Immersive Engineering is installed, the Minoshroom drops an Epic Shader Grabbag.
3.8.654 The Minoshroom will now attempt to charge through Fences, breaking them.

If Immersive Engineering is installed, the Minoshroom now drops a Twilit Twilight Shader Grabbag and a Twilit Shader: Grabbag.

Twilight Forest Creatures
Passive Bighorn Sheep Dwarf Rabbit Forest Raven Loyal Zombie Penguin Squirrel Tiny Bird Wild Boar Wild Deer Questing Ram
Hostile Adherent Block and Chain Goblin Carminite Broodling Carminite Ghastguard Carminite Ghastling Carminite Golem Cave Troll Death Tome Fire Beetle Giant Goblin Knight Harbinger Cube Hedge Spider Helmet Crab Hostile Wolf King Spider Kobold Lich Minion Maze Slime Minotaur Mist Wolf Mosquito Swarm Pinch Beetle Redcap Goblin Redcap Sapper Roving Cube Skeleton Druid Slime Beetle Snow Guardian Stable Ice Core Swarm Spider Towerwood Borer Twilight Wraith Unstable Ice Core Winter Wolf Yeti
Progression Bosses Naga Twilight Lich Minoshroom Hydra Knight Phantom Ur-Ghast Alpha Yeti Snow Queen