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Labyrinth - Boss Gate.png
Biome Twilight Swamp
Consists of Mazestone
Oak Fence
Mushroom Blocks
Iron Bars
Tripwire Hook
Boss Minoshroom
Map Icon Labyrinth Icon.png
ID twilightforest:labyrinth

Sunk deep into the earth beneath the Twilight Swamp are the shadowy, twisting Labyrinths. These vast underground mazes are a good challenge for a seasoned explorer, with winding corridors seemingly without end, dead-ends and scuttling monsters lurking in the dark, but also many treasures to reward those who conquer the labyrinth.


Minotaurs are the signature creatures to be found in the Labyrinth, but they do share the twisting corridors with others, whether willingly or not is a question better left unanswered. Scuttling Fire Beetles, Slime Beetles and Pinch Beetles have been found, with Cave Spiders also making their home in the darkness, though thankfully not to the same extent as in mineshafts in the Overworld. Also unique to the Labyrinth are Maze Slimes. These amorphous cubes seem to be identical to their green Swamp cousins, other than their odd brick-like appearance, and while they can overwhelm an ill-prepared adventurer by sheer weight of numbers, they may be a welcome adversary as they can contain a valuable Charm of Keeping, as well as a handy supply of Slime Balls.


The many chests hidden in the maze have been found to contain all manner of wondrous prizes. The dead end treasure rooms often include Maze Wafers, Blaze Rods, Ironwood Ingots, and occasionally Golden Apples and Steeleaf. The Minotaur Lairs can have even more useful equipment, such as Iron Ingots, Steeleaf, Potions and Ironwood Ingots, as well as full Ironwood Armor and Steeleaf Armor. These chests can also contain the essential Maze Map Focus, which can be used to create a Maze Map, a major boon to any explorer wishing to navigate the maze.

Secret Vault

It is rumored that there are even more fabulous prizes to be found. These treasures are said to lie within a secret vault that only those who hold a Maze Map will be able to find. The second level of a Labyrinth will contain a secret room that contains very valuable treasures such as the unique Mazebreaker, Emeralds, some Steeleaf, some Ironwood Ingots, and occasionally an Ender Chest to stash these treasures in safely. Those lucky explorers who have found the vault have also reported finding highly enchanted armor, tools, and weapons within these chests. Vault rooms are hidden by several layers of Mazestone and will have four large chests in the center. The four large chests will be heavily guarded by 16 wooden pressure plates which are resting on TNT. Sand will be resting on Mazestone that is above the wooden pressure plates, preventing easy entrance from the top. Entrance from the bottom is also difficult due to the bedrock floor. Great care should be taken when entering the secret room so as to not blow up the valuable loot. Although the best way to access the vault safely is to mine down to the bedrock layer, mine a hole large enough for you to stand in the direction of the vault. Place a trapdoor down so that you can crawl below the pressure plates, and then proceed to mine all of the TNT. Once that is done, you may safely access all of the loot with no risk of explosion.


Those who first enter the Twilight Swamp will find the entire area plagued by clouds of mosquitoes, inflicting a wasting hunger on anyone attempting to trek further in. Pushing onwards to the Labyrinth entrance is of no use as the maze will be protected by the same force field that protects the Lich Towers. Only by killing a Twilight Lich and taking its scepter will the mosquito curse be dispelled, as well as removing the shield over the Labyrinth.

Defeating the Minoshroom and consuming some of the Meef Stroganoff that it carries will remove the protections on the Fire Swamp and allow access to the monstrous Hydra.

Image Reel

  • The entrance and exit
  • The gateway between the layers of the Labyrinth
  • The second floor is even darker than the first
  • A common meeting ground for all of the Minotaurs
  • A room created by the Minoshroom's influence
  • Without any support, the Labyrinth can collapse in on itself.
  • Even the Minotaurs need a nice bath.
  • An Iron Gateway to keep the mobs at bay.
  • An Archway to hold up the Labyrinth.
  • A dead end infested by the Minoshroom's influence.
  • A dead end filled with various Roots and Root Strands.
  • A dead end filled with a small shower of water.
  • A dead end filled with a small, hot, lava shower.
  • A dead end filled with 2 Torches.
  • A dead end filled with 40 Torches.
  • A rare room with some valuables. Be careful for traps!
  • A typical wall, made of several variants of Mazestone
  • An odd wall, full of unchanging Mazestone
  • The Minoshroom Attacks!
  • History


    Version Details
    1.11.11 Added Labyrinth.
    1.12.0 Added a small well entrance to the Labyrinth.

    Treasure rooms now have Torches.

    1.12.3 Put a hill on top of the entrance, just to make things nicer.
    1.15.2 Disabled mob spawning in the Labyrinth vault.
    2.3.5 Fixed Labyrinths generating a few blocks higher than usual.

    Biomes and Landmarks
    Biomes Dark Forest Dark Forest Center Dense Mushroom Forest Dense Twilight Forest Enchanted Forest Final Plateau Fire Swamp Firefly Forest Glacier Mushroom Forest Oak Savannah Snowy Forest Spooky Forest Thornlands Twilight Clearing Twilight Forest Twilight Highlands Twilight Lake Twilight Stream Twilight Swamp
    Progression Landmarks Naga Courtyard Lich Tower Labyrinth Hydra Lair Goblin Knight Stronghold Dark Tower Yeti Cave Aurora Palace Troll Caves Cloud Cottage Final Castle
    Other Landmarks Caves Hedge Maze Hollow Hill Magic Trees Mushroom Castle Quest Grove Twilight Forest Trees