Naga Courtyard

From The Twilight Forest Wiki
Revision as of 10:23, 23 August 2024 by Paradise (talk | contribs) (There is a boss chest loot, but I don't know the correct English wording to express this. Change gallery image to use ImageGallery (or IG) template.)
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Naga Courtyard
Naga Courtyard.png
Biome Oak Savannah
Twilight Forest
Dense Twilight Forest
Mushroom Forest
Spooky Forest
Consists of Nagastone
Nagastone Pillars
Nagastone Stairs
Etched Nagastone
Spiral Bricks
Twilight Oak Leaves
Stone Brick
Polished Andestite
Black Terracotta
Smooth Stone Slab
Iron Bars
Boss Naga
Map Icon Naga Courtyard Icon.png
ID twilightforest:naga_courtyard

The Naga Courtyard is a major landmark tied to Progression. It is a large, walled-off structure built from various forms of stone and Nagastone. Inside the Naga Courtyard, there are various hedges of Twilight Oak Leaves, pillars of Polished Andesite and Etched Nagastone, and additional decorative features. In the middle of the structure is a Boss Spawner containing the Naga.

Aside from wildlife that may enter the Naga Courtyard from the outside, no mobs naturally spawn within.

There is no chest loot to be found in the Naga Courtyard, with exception to a single chest which generates after the Naga is defeated.


The Naga Courtyard is the first structure in Progression. As such, it is not protected by any Progression barrier.

As the first structure in Progression, slaying the Naga will unlock the next structure in Progression, the Lich Tower, removing the structure's protection.


  • The Naga Courtyard prior to 3.6.324.
  • History


    Version Details
    1.0.0 Added Naga Courtyard.
    1.4.0 Revised Naga Courtyard generation. Trees will be cleared near the Courtyard.
    1.11.6 Altered the design of the Naga Courtyard walls.
    3.6.324 Full redesign of the structure's generation, with new blocks for walls, floor, and interior decoration.
    3.7.424 Fixed some generation bugs that could occur.
    3.8.654 Fixed some features within the Naga Courtyard not being able to generate.

    The Naga Courtyard should no longer cause Cascading Worldgen Lag.

    4.0.860 The Naga Courtyard now properly buries and deform terrain in a nice way.
    4.2.1620 Fixed Courtyard floors not generating variants if structure loads after incomplete generation
    4.3.1750 Fixed courtyard walls having the wrong block rotations for spiral bricks.

    Biomes and Landmarks
    Biomes Dark Forest Dark Forest Center Dense Mushroom Forest Dense Twilight Forest Enchanted Forest Final Plateau Fire Swamp Firefly Forest Glacier Mushroom Forest Oak Savannah Snowy Forest Spooky Forest Thornlands Twilight Clearing Twilight Forest Twilight Highlands Twilight Lake Twilight Stream Twilight Swamp
    Progression Landmarks Naga Courtyard Lich Tower Labyrinth Hydra Lair Goblin Knight Stronghold Dark Tower Yeti Cave Aurora Palace Troll Caves Cloud Cottage Final Castle
    Other Landmarks Caves Hedge Maze Hollow Hill Magic Trees Mushroom Castle Quest Grove Twilight Forest Trees