Uncrafting Table
Uncrafting Table | |
Transparency | None |
Luminance | None |
Hardness | 2.5 |
Blast Resistance | 2.5 |
Tool | Axe ![]() |
Renewable | Yes |
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Flammable | Yes |
ID | twilightforest:uncrafting_table |
The Uncrafting Table is an enigmatic block that can be occasionally found in Medium Hollow Hills or Graveyards, albeit only when enabled via Configuration. It has the appearance of Crafting Table, but with an additional input slot. This first input slot outputs to a crafting grid as this block offers more function than the standard Crafting methods. These functions are referred to as "Uncrafting," "Repairing," and "Recrafting". The standard Crafting method is available with the Uncrafting Table.

The GUI has several parts to it:
- The Input Slot, which you place items in to start Uncrafting.
- The Crafting Grid, which will show the output of the item in the Input Slot.
- The Output Slot, which will give you the result of Crafting, Repairing, or Recrafting an item.
- A button beneath the Input Slot, which cycles through the different types within a same recipe tag.
- A button between the Input Slot and Crafting Grid, which cycles through the different recipe types.
- A button between the Crafting Grid and Output Slot, which cycles through the different output recipes.
Uncrafting lets you take apart items into their component ingredients. When placing a crafted item into the Input Slot, the Crafting Grid will display a semi-transparent version of the ingredients. Some recipes may require multiples of the one item in the Input Slot if the crafting recipe outputs more than one item. When you pick up a ingredient from the Crafting Grid, the input item is uncrafted, and the rest of the Grid is filled with the items. Uncrafting costs one Experience Level per ingredient, though some items like Sticks do not add to the cost.

When you uncraft certain items and blocks, you can cycle through what variants that can be used for it. For example, by using the first buttons, Sticks may be uncrafted into Oak Planks or Encased Towerwood. With the second buttons, Sticks may be uncrafted into Oak Planks or Bamboo.

Repairing' lets you repair tools and armor by restoring missing ingredients equal to the durability lost. When you place a damaged item in the Input Slot, you will notice that some of the ingredients are missing and have a red box in the crafting slot. This indicates that the tool or armor is broken and will only provide a certain amount of materials. To make the item whole again, replace the missing ingredients in the Crafting Grid. Note that tools can only be repaired fully as the item needs to be complete in the Crafting Grid. Repairing normal items will only cost 1 level. The cost is shown on the right and is charged for when you pick up the finished item.

Repairing equipment will also transfer all enchantments over to the repaired result. However, the cost of repairing enchanted equipment is much more costly than unenchanted one. The more enchantments the equipment has and with a higher weight, the greater the cost. This also includes equipment that may have enchants by default.

Recrafting allows for a single piece of equipment to become a different material. It lets you take an existing item and craft it into something else by replacing the material ingredients. To recraft a tool or piece of armor, place the original item in the Input Slot, then replace materials in the Crafting Grid until you have replaced all the old materials. Pick up the new item from the Output Slot to complete the process. Recrafting will cost you based off the new materials added.
Recrafting can also be used to transfer enchants from one material of gear to another. By placing an enchanted Wooden Sword in the Input Slot and replacing all Wooden Planks with Diamonds, you can get a Diamond Sword with the same enchants that the Wooden Sword had. This does become more costly depending on how much it costs to recraft the gear on top of the cost of the enchantments.
Version | Details |
1.10.0 | Added Goblin Tinkering Bench. |
1.11.2 | Renamed Goblin Tinkering Bench to Uncrafting Table. |
1.11.4 | Split Uncrafting Table from the "complex" block ID. |
1.11.5 | Fixed Uncrafting Table recipe.
Fixed uncrafting recipe for storage blocks. |
1.12.1 | Fixed bugs in general for the Uncrafting Table. |
1.12.3 | Fixed shift-click uncrafting multiple items. |
1.13.0 | Adjusted recrafting and repairing costs to be similar to an Anvil.
Experience cost is now based on material and enchantments. Respects a hidden repair cost meter now. |
1.13.1 | Recrafting now carries over any enchantments from the input item.
The Uncrafting Table now supports the Forge Ore Dictionary. |
1.15.0 | Fixed bug where changing recipe sizes would leave leftover items able to be picked up on the Uncrafting Table. |
1.15.2 | Cleaned up some Uncrafting Table recipes.
Uncrafting Table should no longer have a metadata of 1. |
1.15.3 | Potentially fixed a crash with recipes using Ore Dictionary. |
1.15.4 | Recrafting now checks if the enchantment can be applied to the resulting item.
Recipes that have items like Buckets cannot be uncrafted. |
1.16.1 | Uncrafting functions can now be disable via config.
Fixed crash when repairing items with enchantments. |
1.17.0 | Fixed crash with the Uncrafting Table. |
2.2.0 | Fixed Uncrafting Table not working with damaged items. |
2.3.6 | Added safeguards to the Uncrafting Table in case the player does not have enough EXP or is restricted from use. |
3.4.239 | Leaving the Uncrafting Table GUI while items are still in there now directly returns the items. |
3.6.324 | Registered Uncrafting Table as a Crafting Table in JustEnoughItems. |
3.8.654 | Shapeless Recipes can now be uncrafted.
Added three switches to cycle through materials, recipes and outputs. Fixed potential crashes that could occur. They will now be checked. |
4.0.860 | Added a new config option to disable or whitelist uncrafting of items from a mod id specified. |
4.0.875 | Fixed the uncrafting table not properly repairing items.
Fixed a tooltip issue with the uncrafting table. |
4.1.1096 | You can now use the scrollwheel to move through recipes in the Uncrafting Table. |
4.1.1172 | The input ingredient of custom uncrafting recipes is now properly displayed in JEI. |
4.1.1181 | The input count requirement of custom uncrafting recipes would sometimes get ignored by the uncrafting table, letting you uncraft an item even if you didn't input enough copies of it. |
4.2.1468 | Added an uncrafting recipe for tipped arrows.
Added a new config option to disable the costs of uncrafting and recrafting. Added Transformation Powder to the Uncrafting Table blacklist tag. Items that the Uncrafting Table ignores when calculating the uncrafting cost are now a tag ("twilightforest:uncrafting_ignores_cost"). Fixed JEI not displaying the amount of items needed in a custom uncrafting recipe. Fixed items not leaving behind remaining items when crafting with the Uncrafting Table. Fixed JEI uncrafting compat not working. Fixed repairing items in the Uncrafting Table. Fixed damaged item counts being way off in the Uncrafting Table. |
4.3.1809 | Rewrote uncrafting recipe datagen to look more like normal crafting recipes.
Fixed a couple small rendering issues with the Uncrafting Table. Fixed the Uncrafting Table deleting items when recrafting in certain scenarios. Fixed the inability to quick swap things in and out of the Uncrafting Table under certain conditions. |
4.3.1846 | Added a config option to completely disable the Uncrafting Table. This removes the recipe and prevents it from showing up in loot tables.
Fixed the uncrafting and recrafting costs of the Uncrafting Table being slightly off. |
4.3.1860 | Fixed the uncrafting table not respecting recipes being marked as special. |
4.3.1893 | Added new advancement criteria for uncrafting items. |
4.4.1977 | Added Recipe Book support in Uncrafting Table menu. |
4.4.2235 | Added a config option to disable ingredient cycling in the Uncrafting Table.
Fixed JEI still showing uncrafting recipes even if the disableUncraftingTable config option is set to true. |
4.4.2276 | Added tooltip hints for buttons in the Uncrafting Table screen.
Fixed special recipes not working in the crafting section of the Uncrafting Table. Fixed ghost recipes not rendering properly in the Uncrafting Table. |